How do I join your dojo?
You can join our dojo by calling us at 321-848-3197 or emailing our director, Hanshi Robert Scaglione, at We look forward to becoming your new karate home very soon!
What are the prices for your memberships?
Our monthly prices are $50 for a single member, or $60 for a family of two or more (all members of immediate family). This fee covers as many of our classes as you are willing to take per month. Classes are available 7 days a week between all 5 of our locations. There is no registration fee and no contracts.
Can I come watch a class?
Yes, of course! We'd love for you to come and observe one of our karate classes and would even encourage you to visit other karate styles and locations, as well. Be warned, you may find yourself on the dojo floor before you know it!
Call Today to Join Our Karate Family
How to Get Started

Start slow
Take it easy at first to avoid injury. Train as often as you wish, but focus on technique rather than power. As your body gradually becomes accustomed to the techniques, you can add more power.
Train regularly
Establish good training habits from the beginning. At first, try to attend a minimum of two classes a week. Then, ideally, after training a month or more, you should increase that until you attend three to four classes weekly (or more) for maximum benefit.
Try various classes to find which are more convenient and appealing to you. Once you've established your training schedule, attend them on a regular, consistent basis. If you must miss one of your selected classes, try to attend another to make up for it. Then get right back on schedule.
Attendance records
Keep a record of your attendance and review it often to make sure your training remains on track. If you take a vacation or plan a pause in your training, make sure you tell your Shihan beforehand.

Your uniform (gi)
Pull the drawstring of the pants out on both sides so it tightens around you, then tie it in front. The jacket has two pair of tie-strings that tie together on each side.
Wash the gi after every class and keep it neat and in good repair. Garments worn underneath the gi should be white and fully cover you in a modest manner. The Shorin-Ryu circular "patch" should be sewn on the left side of the chest. For instructions to tie your belt, ask an advanced student or refer to The Shorin-Ryu Question and Answer Book (the Red Book) on page 82. Do not wash the belt (Obi).
Find a training partner
It is helpful to work on new techniques on a regular basis with someone of your own rank. This person is called your training partner. If you joined with someone, you already have a training partner. If you did not, try to find another student of the same approximate rank who trains at the same classes as you.
Seek out a Sempai
A Sempai is a higher ranking student with whom you develop a training relationship. Your Sempai can answer your questions before or after class and help you refine technique. This relationship benefits both of you, because in karate, we say: "To teach is to learn." In other words, your Sempai also learns by helping you.
Students test to advance in rank at an event called a promotion. At the white belt level, promotions are held every two months, in February, April, June, August, October, and December. From green belt to high brown belt, these promotions are held every six months, in February and August. Seek advice from an advanced student about the requirements for each rank, as well as how to get permission, once you decide to test.
The Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA system
We are a worldwide organization, and the benefits of yearly membership, to you, include the ability to train at our affiliated member dojo and clubs around the world, to transfer to those dojo or clubs should you move, access to the website and email, Technique of the Week bulletins, newsletters; to help fund special system-wide events, and the ability to be part of the Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA system, its history and traditions.
Again, we welcome you.